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Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Dont Be A Dummy" Vol. 1

Sitting around with a few of my female friends we got on the topic of a groupie's fascination with athletes, and entertainers. Keep in mind that a groupie is just a person that wants to deal with another person mearly because of the person that they are. Now a few of my friends have dated an athlete or an entertainer and we got on the subject of league minimum salaries.

Oh got fun.

So I did my favorite thing, I googled. And this is what we found.

The NBA's league minimum is $473,000 then jumps up to $762,000 after a players first year. And the NBA tends to have some of the best contracts within the MLB, and NFL.

The MLB's MAJOR League minimum salary is $400,000 plus cost of living. Baseball players also are known to have AMAZING contracts, and less injures so you get a longer life span out of the player.

And the ladies most popular men it seems...the NFL starts off at $355,000, with horrible contracts and chances of lockouts. Meaning less money for the players to spend. "No Bueno"

Then I found this bit of information and me and all my girlfriends just laughed.

Moral of the story for all my groupies...I'm sorry I mean fame chasers. Aim high, go for the gold. If you're going to sit in VIP's make sure its the VIP of someone with actual money.

Other factors come into play when using my diagrams here. Ladies think about Wives, kids, and endorsement deals. These factors can either help, or hinder a player. It's not likely that you'll be wifed up being a "fame chaser" unless you're Amber Rose. Look...if you're going to sling the puss, just make sure its to a person that can at least pay for your cab ride home without complaint.

Enjoy your turkey burgers and hot coco!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No Dancing Allowed

Sooooo...its approximately 3:49am in the morning and my homie over in Dallas Buc lets me know that him and a few of the homies have a new song and video out.

Not gon lie...I rolled my eyes.

See, me and Dallas got this love and hate relationship. And alot of the music that comes out of my old stomping grounds disgusts me. all know why. If I hear "hit the" or "do the" one more time I'm going to scream.

This wasn't the case with this song though (thank ya JESUS), and my boys B.U.C., Block, Ben Franks, Big Tex, Tum Tum, and Double decided to use a verse out of one of Dorrough's song as their hook and basically did a mic pass.

Sounded a little bit West Coast but my boys still kept that Texas feel...have a looksie won't you. I promise it's going to make your head bob.

ShoutOut to my "niggas" even if y'all don't get no bigger...