It went down earlier this afternoon on Twitter...wait, maybe I shouldn't use that choice of words. Whatever, all Twitter eyes were upon the pages of alleged woman beater Chris Brown and has been lip gloss wearing crooner Raz B from the once successful group B2k.

The two apparently began tweeting each other because Raz B alleged that he had recorded a song way before Chris Brown recorded it and made it his. All in all, homophobic insults, and butt rape jokes were thrown back in forth between the two for about an hour while all of us "innocent bystanders" watched in shock.
(Click the screen shots to enlarge them in case you missed the action)

Breezy responded with some funny jokes in my opinion, but you all know I am just an evil bitch with no heart sooooo...yeah.

Chris ended his roast with a tweet saying "lol... watch me be the bad guy on the blogs tomorrow!!!! its cool though.. ill wear that".
True Chris...very true...you know they're fixing to have a ball with this...wait...dammit. No pun intended!
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