Sunday November 14, 2010 around 8pm Anthony "Coo" Barre' also known as "Messy Mya" was fatally shot to death at the baby shower for his unborn child in the 7th Ward of New Orleans. Coo was known for his "booking" ways and quick witted humor that he steadily uploaded on YouTube. Known rapper and comedian to the New Orleans, Atlanta, and Houston area, he was quickly on the rise to stardom.

Last picture of Coo about an hour before his untimely death with the mother of his child beside him. ---->
In death Coo was discovered by thousands of people via his YouTube page. Celebrities were giving condolences to Coo and his family via Twitter. His death only came 12 HOURS after one of his good friend Rodney " Blazer Boy Money" Peters drowning death. Although I understand that you don't have to know someone to send compassionate words, why is it that in death was the only time you all acknowledged him? Coo's funeral service was held this very morning, and he was buried in the same cemetery as my mother. Unfortunately I didn't attend because of personal reasons, and the disgust I had for people that didn't know Coo but just wanted to be nosy.

A suspect by the name of Jason Baptist Hamilton was apprehended early this morning at a Marreo hospital. There are rumors swirling that there may be two other suspects but police don't want to release names on them yet in case the men attempt to run.

News spread quickly about Coo's death after a picture of him dying/dead on the ground surfaced on Twitter. The person who snapped this disrespectful picture needs to also have some type of charges brought to them as well in my opinion.

Coo will NEVER be forgotten. I will say this though, if you feel a particularly way about Coo and what he did while he was alive and it wasn't positive you need to keep it to yourself. NO ONE deserves to be murdered and lay dying on a street. We love you Coo and now you finally get to be with Miss Chrystal. Now you better not be in heaven trying to "book" God! You and Money run that "4th Ward" beat and pouch for the angels. We're going to miss you.
And yeah I said it...now who gonna pop ME?
Seems like a larger than life guy loved by many. I.m happy I am learning about him and also his music.