It's been awhile since I was in high school. And for some of you that know me, you know I basically hated everything about it. The long days, the annoying teachers and principals, and the restricted perimeters of a seemingly to small campus. Despite all the crap I met some funny kids during my high school years. One of my PNC's (Parner N Crime) older brother was always a staple of the L.D. Bell hallways and football and track events. Without a doubt Andre Lampkin was "cold" on the field and relatively popular with the '06-'07 graduating classes. We all went our separate ways after high school and Andre went to play football in college. Things took a crazy turn and here's his story below. So before you complain about the simple crap that you go through daily think about what you're about to watch. Andre...you are truly an inspiration...you got on my last nerve sometimes, but I still got love for you and I've kept you and Kay Kay in my prayers since she called me the week after you first went into the hospital two years ago.
He's still got that Blue Raider Pride!

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